Thursday, October 15, 2009

Indonesia's IT competitiveness rating down

Source (click to view): Xinhua News

Of 66 countries across the world, Indonesia's Information Technology (IT) competitiveness rating downed to 59 this year from 58 last year, according to the result of a survey released here on Wednesday (Oct 14).

The result of the survey, that was carried out by Economist Intelligent Unit (EIU) and Business Software Alliance (BSA), also disclosed that Indonesia only obtained an index score of 22.8 in the survey, made it ranked at number 15 in the Asia Pacific region.

"The index score of most Asia Pacific countries were apparently down if compared to the scores they obtained last year," Claro Parlede, BSA Software Policy Director for Asia Pacific region was quoted by the as saying.

Australia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea were regarded the most IT competitive in the Asia Pacific region, the survey result said.

With index score of 68.7, the United States still tops the rank in the survey that has been conducted in the last three years.