Thursday, July 30, 2009

US warns of more attacks in Indonesia

Terrorists will continue to prey on Western interests in Indonesia, a senior US official has warned.

The US Deputy Secretary of State, Jim Steinberg, said this month’s bombing of two Jakarta hotels would not be the last attack: "We don’t think this is over."

"There are clearly a lot of individuals and groups out there who are still quite determined to try to harm democratic governments [and] Western interests.’’

An internet message purporting to be from the fugitive terrorist Noordin Mohammad Top claimed responsibility for the bombings, justifying the murders as an attack on US interests.
He had high praise for Indonesia, despite the presence of terrorists in the world’s most populous Muslim country.

Indonesia’s recent development was "remarkable, it’s one of the truly remarkable stories of the last 10 years".

Mr Steinberg expected the US President, Barack Obama, would soon visit Indonesia, where he spent part of his childhood.
He acknowledged Indonesia had made great progress in counter-terrorism efforts, but said that they were "never going to be 100 per cent successful".
For full report see Sydney Morning Herald Online

TVOne announces EPL package for fans

Local broadcaster TVOne announced Wednesday it would air next season's Barclays English Premier League soccer matches live, but questions remain over how many big matches are included in the package.

The private station said it would broadcast 53 EPL matches live and 10 delayed, as of August.
The TVOne management said the package would include several big matches - featuring defending champion Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal - including an Arsenal vs. United game on Aug. 29 at 11:10 p.m.
"We don't know precisely how many big matches we'll be allowed to broadcast, because we haven't received the schedule yet," TVOne vice president director Anindya Ardiansyah Bakrie said at Wednesday's press conference.

"The dates for a number of matches are not fixed yet, pending the progress of the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Cup.

"Nonetheless, we hold the rights to broadcast live all the 11 p.m. matches. So we hope there'll be some big matches played during that time slot," he said.

Anindya added the station was second in line to the rights to 7-9 p.m. matches.
"From observing past seasons, we've learned that almost every week, one of the top-four EPL clubs plays in the 11 p.m. slot," said TVOne manager Antariksawan Jusuf.

"There's a more than 50 percent chance one of the top four clubs will play in that time slot this season."

Top 10 iPhone Annoyances (And How to Fix Them)

Even the iPhone isn’t perfect. Here are the top ten iPhone annoyances and what you can do about them.

By Jared Newman, PC WorldJul 30, 2009 8:00 am

Even the greatest gadgets have flaws, and the iPhone is certainly no exception. Praise it all you want, but the "Jesus phone" has plenty of little annoyances or nuisances that get under a user's skin. Fortunately, technology is all about workarounds to common problems. So we've not only put together a Top 10 list of iPhone annoyances to vent about, we're also offering solutions (where we can) to fix those pesky iPhone problems we hate so much.

10. Default Apps Can't Be Hidden

The iPhone's start screen is filled with shortcuts to prepackaged applactions that come with your iPhone whether you want them or not--for example, an app for checking stocks whose shortcut can't be removed from the iPhone interface. Despite Apple's insistence, not everyone wants to check the Dow Jones Industrial Average or for that matter the weather, or even use the iPhone's calculator. That the iPhone's prepackaged apps can't be hidden, deleted, or otherwise customized speaks to the stubborn rigidity of Apple.

Ideally: If Apple wanted to fix this annoyance, it would have an "Appearance" option in the Settings menu that would allow users to make unwanted apps disappear without actually deleting them.

The workaround: Isolate undesirable apps on your last home page--that's the quick and dirty method. A more elaborate trick, detailed at Macenstein, stashes apps on a hidden overflow page, though this works only until the iPhone is turned off. Jailbreakers will seek out programs such as Sbsettings or Poof.

9. You Can't Run Pandora or Other Apps in the Background

One of the iPhone's greatest assets is the ability to stream Internet radio stations such as Pandora and Slacker from anywhere with a 3G or Wi-Fi connection. Too bad you can't listen to that music while checking e-mail or playing games.

Ideally: In a perfect world, Apple would allow certain apps to run at the same time as others. We understand that Apple's trying to keep the smartphone running smoothly, but if the iPod app can play music in the background, the iPhone's audio apps should be able to do the same.

The workaround: Sadly, you'll have to use your get-out-of-jail-free card. Jailbreakers can download Gaizin's Backgrounder app for full multitasking glory.

8. The App Store Is a Pain to Browse

There may very well be an app that suits your wildest dreams, but good luck finding it among the junk that populates so much of the iPhone's App Store. Only a text search or sorting apps by release date will get you beyond the top 100 in each category, and even then you'll turn up plenty of unwanted results. (As reported this week--and as we're glad to hear--Apple has added search keywords, but we understand that the function is somewhat glitchy.)

Ideally: A great search option would be a "Show All" feature. This would allow you to sort by name or rank, covering the full breadth of the App Store's vast shelves.
The workaround Use an app to browse the store, such as App Miner, which builds lists of apps that go on sale--including paid apps being given away--and lets you create a "watch list" for discounts. For filtering and better user recommendations, try using Web sites such as Apptism, AppBeacon, or Macworld's App Guide.....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jakarta blast hotels to re-open

Two luxury Jakarta hotels attacked by suicide bombers earlier this month will re-open, staff said.

The July 17 attacks on the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton left nine dead and 53 injured, including Indonesians and foreigners.

Police have yet to identify the perpetrators but suspect Malaysian-born fugitive Noordin Top, who heads a splinter faction of the radical Islamic group Jemaah Islamiah, may have helped plan the attacks.

The Ritz-Carlton already has guests booked to stay tonight, said hotel spokeswoman Els Ramadhinta.

"We have reviewed everything from the incident and made some adjustments but I can't disclose what the changes are. Hopefully we will get some more bookings soon," she told Reuters by telephone.

The JW Marriott, which is adjacent to the Ritz-Carlton, will also open on Wednesday.

"We have guests booked for tonight and we also have quite a few future bookings," said spokeswoman Ina Ilmiaviatta.
Original Source:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sekali lagi, Awas hati-hati menulis surat pembaca, email !!!

Oleh Salam-Jakarta, dari berbagai Sumber

Akhirnya Khoe Seng Seng (Aseng) dinyatakan bersalah oleh majelis hakim Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta Timur (Rabu, 15/7) dalam kasus pencemaran nama baik dan divonis enam bulan penjara dengan masa percobaan satu tahun. Tapi hakim mengatakan hukuman enam bulan tersebut tidak akan dikenakan apabila dalam masa satu percobaan satu tahun terdakwa tidak terjerat kasus pidana.

Vonis tersebut lebih ringan dibandingkan tuntutan Jaksa Penuntut Umum yang menuntut satu tahun penjara dengan masa percobaan dua tahun

Dalam putusannya majelis hakim menyatakan bahwa surat pembaca yang dimuat dalam media merupakan tanggung jawab penulis dan redaktur media bersangkutan. Dengan demikian Aseng telah melakukan pencemaran nama baik dengan mengirimkan surat keluhan terhadap PT Duta Pertiwi yang ditampilkan di sejumlah media pada medio 2006.

Sebelumnya Aseng, sebagai tergugat, telah memenangkan kasus penuntutan ganti rugi oleh pihak penggugat PT Duta Pertiwi, sehingga dia tidak harus membayar 1 milyar rupiah (Baca juga: Satu lagi terdakwa kasus pencemaran nama baik 'dibebaskan' ).

Kasus ini bermula ketika Aseng menulis surat pembaca di harian terkemuka ibukota (Kompas dan Suara Pembaruan, tahun 2006), bahwa developer (PT Duta Pertiwi) tidak secara transparan memberikan informasi status tanah ITC Mangga Dua kepada calon pembeli. Belakangan diketahui bahwa HGB ITC terbit di atas Hak Pengelolaan Lahan (HPL) milik Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Dari pada itu pihak developer dianggap telah membohongi konsumen (para pembeli kios) terkait soal HGB tersebut. Pendek kata Khoe merasa Duta Pertiwi telah wanprestasi dalam perjanjian jual beli mereka. Namun dalam persidangan kemaren, hakim menyatakan Aseng telah mengetahui tentang status tersebut dalam rapat pada September 2006 antara pengembang dan pemilik kios serta dihadiri juga oleh staf Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN).

Salah satu landasan hakim dalam putusannya adalah keterangan saksi ahli yaitu Wakil Ketua Dewan Pers Leo Batubara, yang mengatakan bahwa penulis dan redaksi media bisa dimintai pertanggungjawabannya terhadap surat pembaca yang disebarkan oleh media tersebut, karena semua media telah sepakat bahwa surat pembaca adalah termasuk tanggung jawab dari redaksi, seperti yang terkait dengan Undang-Undang Pers. Sehingga sebuah tulisan yang ditampilkan dalam media dapat disebut sebagai karya jurnalistik bila sudah ada campur tangan redaksional. Namun begitu Leo meminta agar bila terdapat ketidaksetujuan atas isi surat pembaca agar diselesaikan juga melalui UU Pers dan jangan melalui pasal-pasal ketentuan pidana yang tercantum dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP).

Selain itu, hakim juga menyatakan bahwa surat keluhan Aseng tidak bisa disebut mewakili kepentingan umum karena hanya sekitar 20 dari 3.000 pemilik kios ITC yang mengeluhkan hal tersebut.

Pihak Aseng menyatakan akan banding. Penasehat hukumnya Hendrayana, yang juga ketua Lembaga bantuan hukum untuk Pers mengatakan bahwa putusan ini merupakan preseden buruk bagi kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat melalui surat pembaca.

Nah dari kasus ini pelajaran apa yang harus kita petik? Apapun pendapat kita tentang putusan Pengadilan tersebut, kita harus mulai berhati-hati dalam mengemukakan keluhan/komplain ataupun tuduhan baik melalui surat pembaca, email, mailist, blog atau yang lain. Meskipun kita merasa dipihak yang benar dan dirugikan oleh pihak lain, hendaknya harus mengumpulkan data, dan bukti-bukti yang cukup untuk menghadapi tuntutan balik ataupun masalah pidananya. Hal ini penting diperhatikan karena harus diakui semua pihak bahwa perlindungan terhadap konsumen di Indonesia masih lemah, undang-undang dan sistim hukum/peradilan masih perlu kejelasan, serta sejauh mana kebebasan mengeluarkan pendapat dijamin.

Baca juga:

Kiosk Owner Appeals Guilty Verdict In Defamation Case Filed by Developer

Government Agrees to Relax Ban On BlackBerry

The government said on Wednesday (7/15) that it had decided to soften its stance on banning Canada-based Research In Motion’s BlackBerry smartphones. The handsets were banned because RIM lacked an Indonesian after-sales office.

“The Ministry of Communications has changed the total ban to a partial ban until Aug. 21,” said Gatot Dewabroto, the ministry’s spokesperson. “This means companies can import the phones.”

The shift came after a delegation including Canadian Embassy officials, RIM executives and their legal advisers met with ministry officials on Tuesday (7/14) to ask the government to revise or lift the ban.

Gatot denied any pressure from the Canadian officials to lift the ban. “We decided to do this because RIM has revised their promise to open an after-sales office by Aug. 21,” he said.

See the original source: The Jakarta Globe
Earlier Report:

How Indonesia got its airlines in order

A major safety overhaul in Indonesia's air industry led to this week's European Union decision to lift a ban on four of the country's airlines.

Since June 2007, they have been banned from flying into EU airspace because of safety concerns after accidents in which more than 120 people died.

The EU says significant improvements in the past two years at Garuda Indonesia, Airfast Indonesia, Mandala Airlines and PremiAir prompted the delisting.

Frans Wenas, senior investigator with Indonesia's National Transportation Safety Committee, told Radio Australia's Connect Asia program there had been deficiencies at all levels of the industry.

In July 2007, Indonesia signed an agreement with the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) to address the safety issues.

The plan included increased monitoring of airports and operators and millions of dollars in training provided by the Australian government - still continuing.

In November last year, the president of ICAO told a meeting in Jakarta he had seen progress in Indonesia, beginning with aviation legislation that provided a regulatory and legal transformation for the industry.

Finally, this week, the European Union lifted its ban on the four carriers it said were now complying with international standards.

Garuda is intending to capitalise on developments - hoping to fly to Amsterdam by the middle of next year and planning other European routes.

Earlier news:


There’s been a lot of media coverage on Indonesia recently, especially about the presidential election and the economy. Most of the stories are in positive tone. Following some of them from various news sources:

Choose experts, not allies, Indonesian president urged
Radio Australia, 16 Jul 2009

'Indonesia’s 2009 presidential election:Toward a true democracy'
Today Zaman, 16 Jul 2009

Theres The Rub: Indonesia rising
The Philippine Inquirer, 15 Jul 2009

FACTBOX-Impact of Indonesia election on key policies
Reuters, 15 Jul 2009

Indonesia's crony clean-out, 15 Jul 2009

EDITORIAL :Yudhoyono re-elected
Asahi Shimbun, 14 Jul 2009

Indonesia: Striving to Expand BRIC to BRIIC
ING Investment Weekly, 13 Jul 2009

Indonesia: one emerging market you can't afford to ignore
Moneyweek, 13 Jul 2009

Yudhoyono’s Mandate ‘Bodes Well’ for Stocks, Mark Mobius Says
Bloomberg, 13 Jul 2009

Goldman money phrase has rival in unlikely place
The Age, 13 Jul 2009

Lessons from the Indonesian elections
Business World, 13 Jul 2009

Indonesia, Vying to Enter BRIC, Has Star Role in ‘Chindonesia’
Bloomberg, 11 Jul 2009

Is Indonesia the next economy to bet on?
Telegraph, 10 Jul 2009

Rupiah Is the Only Asian Currency That May Gain, DBS Asset Says
Bloomberg News, 10 Jul 2009

World Bank Says Indonesian Economy a ‘Winner’ Amid Global Slump
Bloomberg News, 10 Jul 2009

Indonesia May Be ‘Superstar’ as Yudhoyono Wins Vote
Bloomberg News, 10 Jul 2009

Markets welcome Yudhoyono "landslide" in Indonesia vote
CNA, 9 Jul 2009

Indonesia Stocks, Bonds, Currency Bolstered by Yudhoyono Win
Bloomberg, 9 Jul 2009

Indonesian elections fair, observers say
CBC, 9 Jul 2009

Election Keeps Indonesia on Track
Jakarta Globe, 9 Jul 2009

Indonesia's Star Continues to Rise On Back of Yudhoyono's Re-election
Green Faucet, 9 Jul 2009

Indonesia Elections: A Win For Democracy
TIME, 8 Jul 2009

ANALYSTS VIEW: Indonesia's Yudhoyono set for a second term
Reuters, 8 Jul 2009

Yudhoyono to get new shot at reforming Indonesia
Reuters, 8 Jul 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

ALERT: Indonesia's confirmed A/H1N1 flu cases rise to 112

Indonesia has recorded 26 new A/H1N1 flu cases, bringing the total in the country to 112, Health Ministry said in a statement issued here on Tuesday.

The 26 persons comprised two foreigners and 24 Indonesians, of whom 16 were being treated at hospitals in Jakarta, one in Medan of North Sumatra, six in Banten, one in Surabaya of east Java and two in Manado of North Sulawesi, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health of the ministry Tjandra Yoga Aditama said in the statement.

Two of them had traveled to Australia and one to Singapore, the director said.

Eleven of the 26 persons were males and 15 were females, and they aged from 5 to 45 years old, he said.

So far there has been no confirmation of casualties from the disease in Indonesia, as the flu virus only has fatality rate of 0.4 percent.

The archipelago country with over 17,500 islands has been on alert on the dangers of the H1N1 virus since the severity of the threat from the virus on the third level. The World Health Organization has recently raised the alert level from five to six, which means the pandemic has occurred.

Original source: Xinhua

More News:

Indonesia fears combination of avian and swine flues - AsiaNews

EU lifts travel ban on Indonesian carriers

The European Commission announced Tuesday (7/14) that it had taken Garuda Airlines and three other Indonesian carriers off its aviation blacklist after air transport authorities addressed safety concerns.

"Significant improvements and accomplishments of the Indonesian civil aviation authority are recognised in the area of safety," the EU's executive arm said in a statement.

"Four air carriers -- Garuda Indonesia, Airfast Indonesia, Mandala Airlines and Prime Air -- can be taken off the list, because their authority ensures that they respect the international safety standards."

The European Union banned all Indonesian-registered aircraft from flying over its airspace in June 2007, acting on a report from the International Civil Aviation Organization which criticised the country's safety standards.

The EU ban followed a number of air crashes, including an Adam Air jet that plunged into the sea off Sulawesi island on January 1, 2007, killing all 102 on board.

A Garuda jet crashed in Central Java in March the same year, with 21 dead.

AFP has the full story…
See also:

ALERT: Indonesia's confirmed A/H1N1 flu cases rise to 112

Indonesia has recorded 26 new A/H1N1 flu cases, bringing the total in the country to 112, Health Ministry said in a statement issued here on Tuesday (7/14).

The 26 persons comprised two foreigners and 24 Indonesians, of whom 16 were being treated at hospitals in Jakarta, one in Medan of North Sumatra, six in Banten, one in Surabaya of east Java and two in Manado of North Sulawesi, Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health of the ministry Tjandra Yoga Aditama said in the statement.

Two of them had traveled to Australia and one to Singapore, the director said.

Eleven of the 26 persons were males and 15 were females, and they aged from 5 to 45 years old, he said.

So far there has been no confirmation of casualties from the disease in Indonesia, as the flu virus only has fatality rate of 0.4 percent.

Xinhua has the full news..
See also:

Rp15 Billion Robbed From Security Vehicle

A group of men robbed a security vehicle carrying Rp15 billion of cash belonging to Bank Negara Indonesia on Monday night police said on Tuesday. The vehicle operated by security service company PT Certis Cisco Mas was robbed on the toll road near Soekarno-Hatta Airport at around 8 pm on Monday.

All the Rp15 billion according to BNI was from its branch at Soekarno-Hatta Airport being transported to its headquarters in Jl Soedirman, Central Jakarta.

Police report showed there were three men in the car when robbers in another car seized the security car. One of them escaped the robbers and the other one, a police personnel, was dumped in Bitung, Tangerang Regency in Banten Province, around 16 kilometer southwest of Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The third men had not been found yet.

The stolen car, an Isuzu Panther, according to police was found near Ancol amusement park at 10 pm and had been taken to Jakarta Police headquarters.

Tempo Interactive has the full story..

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Trade Ministry to stop BlackBerry distribution on Wednesday

The Trade Ministry is preparing to declare all new BlackBerry phones illegal and launch raids against stores selling the devices should the company that produces them, Research In Motion, fail to provide a local after-sales service office by a Wednesday deadline.

“If the Communications and Information Ministry wants to stop BlackBerry distribution and asks us to raid shops selling illegal BlackBerrys, then we will do it immediately,” said Inayat Iman, the Trade Ministry’s director of services and goods distribution monitoring. “We are waiting for their final decision on this matter.”

Inayat said that new BlackBerry phones might be deemed contraband after Wednesday if the Communications Ministry implemented the ban as promised after a meeting with the latter on Wednesday.

“This will mean that it will be illegal to sell or distribute BlackBerry devices,” he said.

Last week, the Communications Ministry said that it was standing by its July 1 deadline for RIM to establish a local after-sales service network or face a ban that could see a BlackBerry famine after existing stocks run out.

RIM has promised to set up such a facility by Aug. 26 to meet what it said was a Trade Ministry deadline set in May.

Speaking on Monday, Gatot S. Dewabroto, a spokesman for the Communications Ministry, acknowledged that his ministry had received a letter from RIM on Saturday explaining that it could not meet the July deadline.

However, he said that the ministry would not backtrack on the proposed ban “because we don’t want to appear inconsistent [in our treatment of RIM].”

The Jakarta Globe has the full report..

Indonesia's A/H1N1 cases top 86

Indonesia confirmed 22 people positively infected by the A/H1N1 flu virus, bringing the total cases to 86 in the country, the Health Ministry said in a statement here on Monday night.

The 22 persons were Indonesian citizens, 9 male and 13 female, of whom five have traveled to the United states, China's Hong Kong, Turkey and Singapore, director general of disease control and environmental health of the ministry Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama said in the statement.

The patients were aged from 2 up to 58 years old, with 18 of them in Jakarta, 2 in Bandung of West Java, 1 in Yogyakarta and another in Surabaya of East Java, he said.

The avian influenza subtype A/H1N1 has spread among humans in Indonesia. The virus has a fatality rate of 0.4 percent.

Experts fear that the multiple combine of the A/H1N1 virus with the avian influenza H5N1 virus in Indonesia could create a new type of virus with the speed of spread similar to the A/H1N1 and the severity of attack equal to the H5N1 virus.

Xinhua has the full story..

Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta to re-open

Following a comprehensive 20 month renovation, the hotel will re-open in October 2009 to take its place as the most luxurious and contemporary hotel in the city.

The all new hotel will boast 272 guestrooms including 56 oversized and beautifully appointed Mandarin Rooms and six suites. All accommodation has been tastefully designed in a classic contemporary style by the renowned design firm Lim, Teo and Wilkes (LTW), combining modern facilities with the Group’s oriental heritage and Indonesian culture.

The hotel will also offer a variety of innovative dining concepts, with four new restaurants featuring a range of international cuisine from quintessential regional Chinese to an authentic French brasserie experience. There will also be a signature Mandarin Oriental Cake Shop and a chic MO Bar overlooking the main Jakarta thoroughfare.

Over 1,000 square metres of luxurious meeting and banqueting facilities will cater from 14 to 600 guests; all with natural daylight, and equipped with the latest technology.

To celebrate the opening, guests booking a two night stay at Mandarin Oriental Jakarta between 1 October to 28 December, 2009 will receive a US$50 credit which can be used in the hotel’s restaurants, bar and fitness facilities. This offer cannot be combined with any other promotion, is applicable to Delight and Seasonal Choice rates only and is limited to one voucher per room per stay.

4Hoteliers has the report..

Indonesians protest at Chinese embassy

Indonesian Muslims called for "holy war" and briefly clashed with security guards during a protest outside the Chinese embassy in Jakarta in support of China's minority Muslim Uighurs.

Several dozen protesters from a coalition of Islamist groups shouted calls for jihad or "holy war" to help Muslims in China's northwest, where unrest between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese has left more than 180 people dead.

They carried banners reading "Stop the genocide of Muslims in Xinjiang", "China is communist, racist and fascist" and "Jihad for Muslim Uighurs".

Similar rallies were held in other cities in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority nation of about 234 million people.

Xinjiang's Uighurs complain of repressive Chinese rule, grievances the government says are baseless.

Channel News Asia has the full story

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jakarta’s Muslims Stay Silent as China Cracks Down on Uighurs

There were no protests on Jakarta’s streets after Friday prayers, which might strike some as strange, given the ongoing crackdown against Muslim Uighurs in China’s remote western province of Xinjiang.

The mosques in Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang, were shut on the Muslim day of prayer as police patrolled the streets with high-powered machine guns. “Go home and pray,” the signs at the entrances to the mosques read. But hundreds of Muslim men who had gathered at the White Mosque in Urumqi’s Uighur neighborhood of Er Dao Qiao were allowed in after demanding entrance, The Associated Press reported on Friday.

The Uighurs, the majority of whom are Sunni Muslims, face constant persecution by the Chinese government. Students and government workers are controlled by strict regulations that infringe on two of Islam’s five pillars: During the holy month of Ramadan, students and government workers are forced to eat and their passports are confiscated so they cannot participate in the hajj to Mecca. Imams are forbidden to teach the Koran in private and the Arabic language is only taught in designated government schools.

The Indonesian Chinese Muslim Association (PITI) has criticized China’s brutality against the Uighur Muslim minority, and regretted the silence of Muslim nations regarding the group’s decades of suffering discrimination and persecution.

“The Chinese Muslims are on the periphery [of the Muslim world]. They have long been persecuted, but they are neglected,” PITI spokesman Steven Indra Wijaya said.

“We are calling on all Muslims to cast aside their [ethnic] identities and help the Uighurs.”

Menwhile, the Government of Indonesia repeatedly says that it will never interfere in Xinjian riot. "What happened in Xinjiang is China`s internal affair. We respect China`s sovereignty over the region and will never meddle in the problem," Indonesian Ambassador to China Sudrajat said.

In recent years, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and aligned radical Islamic groups, such as the Islamic Defenders Front and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, have played active roles in staging protests against Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, and US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Organizing a protest costs money and sometimes it can be very expensive,” said Zulkieflimanysah, PKS deputy chairman for political affairs. “We don’t have enough money to participate in China’s affairs right now because we need to focus on what’s happening in our own country.”

Still, it’s unusual…..


As China Cracks Down on Uighurs, Jakarta’s Muslims Stay Unusually Silent – Jakarta Globe

RI will never meddle in Xinjian riot :envoy – Antara

Chinese-Indonesians call on Muslim nations to help Uighur – The Jakarta post

Indonesians pray for Uighurs –

Indonesian Parliament Urges UN To Handle Uprising In China – Bernama

Government Must Lodge Notes Of Protest With China - Bernama


Following are links to news stories on Indonesia from the various news sources:

Indonesia: Striving to Expand BRIC to BRIIC
ING Investment Weekly, 13 Jul 2009

Election Keeps Indonesia on Track
Jakarta Globe, 9 Jul 2009

Belt Collins opens Bali office
PAcific Business, 9 July 2009

Hedge Funds Burned in Indonesia
Business Week, 8 Jul 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

BlackBerry Maker to Miss Office Deadline

Canada-based Research In Motion, the producer of BlackBerry smartphones, acknowledged on Thursday that it would be unable to meet the Communications Ministry’s July 16 deadline to establish a local after-sales service office. The company, however, promised to open a facility by Aug. 26 to meet another deadline from the Trade Ministry.

RIM’s admission is the company’s strongest statement yet that it is attempting to comply with government demands to open shop in Indonesia after being threatened with a total ban on the import of its phones. Despite RIM’s cooperation, the Communication Ministry said it would still face a total ban on imports of its handsets for more than a month starting on Wednesday.

“RIM is in the process of arranging for an authorized strategic facility that will have national reach by August 26,” Gregory Wade, RIM’s regiona l vice president for the Asia Pacific region, said from Canada in a conference call. “This is to comply with the new regulation of May 26 [from the Trade Ministry].”

The center would expand on RIM’s existing after-sales service — including minor repairs — which is currently provided by RIM’s partners in Indonesia, Wade said.

When asked about the July 16 deadline, Wade said: “That’s a time frame that’s difficult to understand given the May 26 announcement by the Ministry of Trade … that fundamentally identified Aug. 26 as the effective date [for the regulation to come into effect].”

Gatot S Dewabroto, the spokesman for the Communications Ministry, said he had not heard of RIM’s plan to meet the Aug. 26 deadline until he was contacted by the Jakarta Globe.

He said that while the government appreciates RIM’s initiative, the ministry would still issue a total ban on its products coming into the country by Wednesday, as stipulated in its letter this week to RIM.

“It means [RIM] will have to face the ban from July 16 to August 26,” he said, adding that the ministry would lift the ban if RIM opens an office.

The ministry estimated there would be over a million BlackBerry users in Indonesia by the end of the year.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Indonesia has a new (Vice) President

Based on (quick-count) polls, apparently Indonesia will have a new vice president, Boediono. But the real winner is, and still, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, now the president and the incumbent. As we know, among the contenders is Jusuf Kalla, now his vice president.

Although the final say will have to wait to the Election Commission (KPU) official counting result, scheduled by the end of the month, normally the quick-count poll figures will not be far from the KPUs.

(Of course) there is dissatisfaction among the contenders, saying that the election this time is far from clean, and undemocratic process, and a lot of problem regarding the "DPT" (voter list) that could lead to possible fraud. So there is still possibility, if the pressure is strong enough and if the evidence is there, the case could be heading to the constitutional court (Mahkamah Konstitusi).

However, the mood of the nation and most of the people, apparently "accept" the reality of the continuation of SBY era.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Backgrounder: Three candidate pairs for Indonesian presidential election

Click here to see the original source: Xinhuanet

July 7 (Xinhua) -- Indonesia's presidential election is scheduled to kick off on July 8, which will determine the victory among three candidate pairs that were respectively represented by three colors.

Blue Corner:

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Born: Pacitan, East Java, Sept. 9, 1949

Religion: Islam Education: Indonesia Armed Forces Academy, 1973

Career Highlights:

Chief of Sriwijaya Military

Command, 1996-97 Chief of Staff for Social and Political Affairs

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, 1999 Coordinating

Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, 2000-01

President of Indonesia, 2004-present


Born: Blitar, East Java, Feb. 25, 1943

Religion: Islam Education: Bachelor of Economics (Hons.), University of Western Australia, 1967

Master of Economics, Monash University, Melbourne,1972

Doctor of Philosophy, Business Economics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, 1979

Career Highlights:

Lecturer at the Gadjah Mada University,

Director of Bank Indonesia's People' s Loan Bank [BPR], 1996-97

Director of Bank Indonesia's Monetary Control, 1997-98

State Minister of National Development Planning,1998-99

Minister of Finance, 2001-04 Coordinating

Minister for the Economy, 2005-09

Governor of Bank Indonesia, May 17, 2008-May 14, 2009

Red Corner

Megawati Sukarnoputri

Born: Yogyakarta, Jan. 23, 1947

Religion: Islam

Education: School of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, 1965-67 (not graduated)

School of Psychology, University of Indonesia, 1970-72 (not graduated)

Career Highlights:

House of Representatives member, 1987-92, 1992-97, 1999-2004

Vice President, 1999-2001

President, 2001-04

PDI-P Chairwoman 1999-present

Prabowo Subianto

Born: Jakarta, Oct. 17, 1951

Religion: Islam

Education: Graduated from the Military Academy in 1974

Career Highlights:

Chief of the Army's Special Forces (Kopassus), 1996-98

Chief of the Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad), 1998

Head of Indonesian Association of Farmers, Indonesian Association of Fishermen. Also owner of several companies

Yellow Corner:

Jusuf Kalla

Born: Watampone, South Sulawesi, May 15,1942

Religion: Islam

Education: Economic faculty, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar,1967

The European Institute of Business Administration Fountainebleu, France, 1977

Career Highlights:

President director of N.V. Hadji Kalla, 1969-2001

President director of PT Bumi Karsa, 1988-2001

Minister of Industry and Trade, 1999-2000

Commissioner of PT Bukaka Singtel International, 2000-present

Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare, 2001-2004

Vice president of Indonesia, 2004-present


Born: Yogyakarta, April 4, 1947

Religion: Islam

Education: Indonesia Armed Forces Academy, 1968

Career Highlights:

Assistant for operations to chief of staff in the Second Infantry Division of the Army's Strategic Reserve Command, 1988

President Suharto's adjutant, 1989

Jakarta military commander, 1994

Kostrad commander,1996 Army chief of staff, 1997

Armed Forces commander and defense minister, 1998

Chairman of the People's Conscience Party (Hanura)

Indonesia to review "negative investment list"

Indonesia may stop issuing new permits to make cigarettes and process sugar, the country's Investment Coordinating Board chief said.

"The cigarette sector will be closed for new investment," Muhammad Lutfi, the coordinating board's chairman, told reporters in Jakarta yesterday, declining to say whether foreign companies will be barred from buying existing local makers. "The sugar refining industry will not see any additions from the current eight processors," he said.

Indonesia is reviewing a December 2007 presidential decree on investments, known as the "negative investment list."

The review and the changes to current rules may be completed within a month and submitted to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, who will make the final decision, Lufti said.

The Malaysian Business News has the full story..

Indonesian court allows unregistered voters to use identity cards in election

Indonesia's Constitutional Court has made a dramatic last minute ruling to allow millions of unregistered voters to use their identity cards to cast ballots in Wednesday's presidential election.

The decision was reached after candidates Jusuf Kalla and Megawati Sukarnoputri gave an ultimatum to the election body to resolve the irregularities found in the electoral roll.

With less than 48 hours to go before polling, presidential candidates Mr Kalla and Ms Megawati mounted a surprise.

They marched to the election commission, demanding the electoral body fix the alleged irregularities in the electoral roll. They wanted the election postponed if the issue was not resolved.

Some 40 million voters were said to have been left out of the electoral roll. And of the 176 million registered, there is evidence of multiple entries and names of ineligible voters. But the election commission had insisted polling would go on as schedule.

Incumbent president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was absent - preferring to leave the issue in the hands of the election commission.

The commission played down fears that allowing the use of identity cards to vote would lead to multiple ballots being cast by the same person.

Abdul Hafiz Anshary, head, Election Commission, said: "But they still can only cast their ballots once. For example, if they have four identity cards, it does not mean they can vote four times. This means inking the finger as proof of voting is vital."

Click here for complete news from the original source of Channel News Asia

Monday, July 6, 2009


Following are links to news stories on Indonesia from the various news sources:

INDONESIA ELECTION EYE- Goldman flags post-vote risks, 6 Jul 2009
Recession-Free Indonesia May Help Yudhoyono Win Poll
-Bloomberg News, 6 Jul 2009
FACTBOX-Indonesia LNG plants, projects
-Reuters, 6 Jul 2009
Japan eyes 1.5 trln yen swap with Indonesia-sources
-Reuters, 5 Jul 2009
Indonesia cuts rates, cycle almost ended
-Reuters, 3 Jul 2009
Indonesia cuts rates, cycle almost ended, 3 Jul 2009
Volkswagen to Invest $140 Million in Its First Indonesia Plant
-Bloomberg, 2 Jul 2009
Indonesia's first Tangguh LNG sent to South Korea
-Reuters, 2 Jul 2009
Indonesia loses GSP status on PET exports to the US
-Platts, 2 Jul 2009
Areva T&D awarded EUR 120m modernization contract in Indonesia
-Penn Energy, 2 Jul 2009
Indonesia Sees 2009 Coffee Output up about 3 Pct
-Flex News, 2 Jul 2009
Indonesia's Pertamina agrees dimethyl ether deal
-Reuters, 2 Jul 2009
Moody's withdraws ratings of 14 Indonesian financial institutions
-Asian Banker, 1 Jul 2009
Aker Solutions Opens Expanded Facility for Surface Products in Indonesia
-Rigzone, 1 Jul 2009
Government To Ban Foreign Investments in Cigarette Industry
-Tempo Interactive, 1 Jul 2009
Bumi Open to Strategic Partnership in Unit Herald Resources
-Bloomberg, 1 Jul 2009
Indonesia's poverty rate falls - statistics bureau, 1 Jul 2009
ExxonMobil sells stake in Indonesia blocks
-Upstream Online, 1 Jul 2009
Indonesia June inflation slows
-Reuters, 1 Jul 2009
Indonesia Eyes 8 pct Rise in 2009's Crude Palm Oil Output
-CRI, 1 Jul 2009
Indonesia Tangguh LNG Plant Starts Operations; Korea To Get 1st LNG
-CNNMoney, 30 Jun 2009
Exxon Mobil May Sell 20% Stakes In 2 Indonesian Blocks-Official
-CNNMoney, 30 Jun 2009
Pertamina eyes West Qurna
-Upstream Online, 30 Jun 2009
Total to supply gas for Indonesia power plant
-Reuters, 30 Jun 2009
Indonesia c bank dep gov expects rupiah to strengthen, 30 Jun 2009
Indonesia sees H2 GDP growth at 4.6 pct y/y
-Reuters, 30 Jun 2009
Huawei deploys 2G/3G networks in Indonesia
-EE Times, 30 Jun 2009
SBI in talks to buy Indonesian bank
-Economic Times, 30 Jun 2009
China`s Geely to invest US$30 mln in Indonesia: report
-Antara News, 30 Jun 2009
Bakrie to lift Bumi, Bakrieland stakes
-Reuters, 30 Jun 2009
Pertamina eyes stakes in blocks when foreign contracts expire
-Reuters, 30 Jun 2009
Indonesia plans 20 pct foreign mining sale law
-Reuters, 29 Jun 2009
First LNG shipment from Indonesia`s Tangguh field in July
-Antara News, 30 Jun 2009
Foreign-controlled mining firms in Indonesia may be required to sell 20% share to domestic firms
-Xinhua, 29 Jun 2009
Bank Central Asia sell-down raises $329 million
-FinanceAsia, 29 Jun 2009

Indonesia gives deadline to BlackBerry producer

The government has set a deadline for Canada-based Research In Motion (RIM) to set up local after-sales service outlets for BlackBerry by July 16, or else, the government would ban the importation of new BlackBerry products.

“We took this decision after we found no progress in the last three meetings between the government, including several representatives from the Directorate General of Post and Telecommunications, and RIM in June,” the directorate general spokesman Gatot S.Dewabroto said in a statement on Sunday.

The government insisted that the after-sales service was mandatory under the law, and it’s important to protect BlackBerry users, which could reach one million by the end of this year.

Gatot said his ministry had issued letter No.586/DJPT.5/KOMINFO/VII/2009 dated July 1, saying that the government would ban any importation of new BlackBerry products until RIM opens after-sales service network in the country.

“Another consequence of this letter is that we will revoke the license we have granted to BlackBerry importers so that the importers can no longer import the products,” he said.

Gatot, nevertheless, assured existing BlackBerry users that the government would ensure that they would continue to get BlackBerry services.

“We just suggest them to buy only certified BlackBerry products,” he said.

Source: Financial24

Cerita si Becks di Amerika

Siapa yang nggak kenal David Beckham? Tentu kebanyakan orang tahu akan Pesepakbola asal Inggris yang dijuluki atlet paling terkenal sejagad ini. Namun ia mempunyai pengalaman yang menarik pada saat memulai karirnya di Amerika bersama LA Galaxy.

Seperti yang dilansir majalah Sport Illustrated dalam artikel ‘How Beckham Blew It’ – An excerpt from Grant Wahl’s book “Beckham Experiment”, ada cerita menarik dimana Beckham dan sekitar 10 pemain lain dari LA Galaxy sedang mengadakan makan malam bersama di Morton’s steak house Arlington.

Tak lama setelah mereka duduk, seorang pelayan menanyakan apakah ada yang ingin minum anggur. Ternyata semua orang angkat tangan, artinya semua pemain yang hadir mau minum anggur. Kemudian pelayan tadi berkata: “ OK kalau gitu saya butuh ID (kartu identitas/KTP) kalian!” Si Becks menjawab “saya tidak membawanya”. Maka kemudian si pelayan tadi berkata “No I.D., no wine!” Kalau nggak ada kartu ientitas maka nggak boleh minum, sambil merenggut kembali gelas si Beckham. Tadinya Beckham mengira bahwa pelayan tadi hanya berpura-pura dan bertanya ke temen-temennya apakah orang ini sedang bercanda? Tapi ternyata pelayan tadi serius. Salah satu temannya pemain LA Galaxy dari Portugal, Abel Xavier juga tidak bisa menunjukkan kartu identitasnya, dan dia ngomel “apa-apan ini? Aku punya anak yang sudah boleh minum..(masa sih gue nggak boleh.? He.he.).

Atas kejadian itu pemain-pemain lain yang hadir pun semua tertawa histeris karena, bayangkan, si pelayan tadi tidak mengenal David Beckham, atlet paling dikenal di dunia….yang jika sedang berjalan di Eropa, tanpa menunjukkan kartu identitas pun, dia akan dikepung dan dikejar-kejar oleh penggematrnya tentunya. Welcome to soccer in the U.S., guys…Namun akhirnya bodyguardnya Si Beckham datang dan menjelaskan pada si pelayan tadi siapa si Beckham itu. Meskipun awalnya si pelayan tetep ngotot (terdengar ucapan "I don't care who they are!") akhirnya Beckham & Xavier dapat juga anggurnya..

Dalam artikel Sport Illustrated itu, juga dibahas bahwa teman-teman Beckham di LA Galaxy mulai mempertanyakan komitmennya di klub itu, bahkan ada yang mempertanyakan motivasinya pindah ke Amerika, apalagi dia bolak-balik ke Eropa dengan status pemain pinjaman di AC Milan dan sempet mengatakan ingin menjadikannya permanent. Ada juga yang mempertanyakan kepantasannya menjadi kapten di LA Galaxy… dan ada juga yang bilang si Beckham pelit, karena ternyata di akhir acara makan malam tadi, si Beckham tidak mau mentraktir temen-temennya alias bayar sendiri-sendiri, padahal banyak gaji temen-temennya yang mungkin hanya sejarinya pendapatan Beckham…..

Cerita selengkapnya di:

‘How Beckham Blew It’ – An excerpt from Grant Wahl’s book “Beckhan Experiment” - Sport Illustrated

Thursday, July 2, 2009

PLAYING ANALYST: Susahnya berkampanye…(Pemilu itu tentang rakyat banyak, tentang pemilih..)

Oleh Satrio Wibowo, Pemerhati, Jakarta

Di tengah hingar bingarnya kampanye pilpres sekarang ini, mungkin ada orang yang berpendapat bahwa berkampanya itu mudah, asal ada uang maka semuanya beres. Padahal pada kenyataannya tidaklah demikian…

Jangan pernah meremehkan para kandidat pasangan calon pemimpin kita. Mereka adalah orang-orang yang luar biasa, dengan sejarah perjalanan hidup yang panjang, bukan orang-orang yang tiba-tiba muncul kemaren sore... Bayangkan mereka bisa ‘mengajak’ masyarakat untuk memilihnya. Mungkin ada yang dapat 10 juta suara, 20, 30, atau bahkan 50 juta. Artinya mereka berhasil mengajak lebih dari 100 juta pemilih terdaftar untuk memilih diantara mereka. Coba kalau kita…

Pada kenyataannya, tidaklah terlalu mudah mengajak seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu “demi kita”, apalagi mengajak banyak orang/massa. Upayapun harus dilakukan, kata kata pun harus dipilih agar tidak ada perasaan yang tersinggung. Mungkin paling mudah adalah mengajak orang makan gratis. :)

Nah demikian juga dalam kampanye pilpres kali ini, berlomba-lomba untuk mengajak lebih dari 100 juta orang untuk memilih salah satu pasangan kandidat. Visi misi pun harus dipilih, program-program dipilah, janji-janji ditebarkan, dirangkum dalam dengan kata-kata yang terseleksi. Semuanya ingin terlihat sebagai yang terbaik, dengan visi misi dan program-program serta janji-janji yang paling bagus. Meskipun kalau didengar semuanya baik, para kandidat masih ingin terlihat lebih baik dari para kandidat yang lain.

Namun begitu belum menjadi jaminan pula masyarakat akan memilihnya, meskipun meraka menganggap program atau diri merekalah yang terbaik. Karena masih ada satu faktor lagi yang perlu dipertimbangkan, yaitu pemilih itu sendiri…

Siapa-siapa saja sih pemilih yang berjumlah lebih dari 100jt itu? Bagaimana latar belakangnya, tingkat sosial & pendidikannya, gender-nya, tingkat religiusnya dstr. Dan penting pula untuk memperhatikan –apa-apa yang paling nyaman/paling disetujui oleh pemilih menyangkut isu-isu tertentu. Karena kalau tidak memperhatikan hal yang terakhir tadi akan menjadi boomerang sendiri bagi para kandidat, meskipun secara teknis atau moral adalah yang paling baik (menurut mereka).

Ada beberapa contoh kasus isu kampanya yang potensial menjadi boomerang bagi para kandidat:

1. Masalah BLT -- Dulu orang beramai-ramai menghujat program BLT. Meskipun secara teknis (ilmu ekonomi, sosial) bisa diperdebatkan efek kebaikannya, namun ternyata masyarakat menyukainya. Sehingga kemudian beramai-ramai para kandidat/partai berebut sebagai pelopor/pencetus/pendukung program itu.

Mungkin yang ingin pemilih dengar bukan yang begini:

”kami berikan BLT agar dapat sekedar membantu kesulitan masyarakat..bla.bla.bla.." (kurang tegas, ragu2?)

ataupun yang begini:

“kami menentang BLT karena tidak mendidik masyarakat, dan menjadikan masyarakat bermental pengemis…"

atau malah yang begini…

“sayalah pelopor BLT. Saya yang merancang BLT sampai jam 3 pagi…."

Mungkin masyarakat pemilih lebih ingin mendengar yang begini:

“Hallo Ibu2, bapak2…apakah kalian setuju program BLT? Apakah kalian senang? Kalau ya maka akan saya tambah jumlahnya (meskipun pake duit utang ya he.he.he)"

Apapun pendapat ahlui ilmu ekonomi/sosial, pemilu adalah tentang rakyat banyak, tentang pemilih…

2. Masalah Jilbab – Ada yang ingin menggunakan isu jilbab ini (istri-istri kandidat) untuk menarik massa pemilih dengan semboyan lebih Islami, lebih bermoral dsb. Efektifkah? Nanti dulu …berapa banyak jumlah wanita pemilih kita? Berapa banyak yang berjilbab? Dan berita buruknya..berapa banyak wanita pemilih yang kurang peduli pake jilbab atau nggak, terus berapa banyak wanita pemilih yang tidak berjilbab merasa “tersinggung” karena mereka tidak memakainya dan merasa dianggap kurang Islami/bermoral… belum lagi suami-suami mereka...

Apapun pendapat kita tentang moral, pemilu itu tentang rakyat banyak , tentang pemilih…

3. Tentang masalah rokok. – Kebanyakan kandidat ingin membatasi masyarakat merokok demi kesehatan. Bahkan ada tim sukses yang mengatakan (kalo nggak salah dengar) jika pembatasan berhasil & perokok berkurang, ingin mengubah petani rokok menjadi petani lain atau pekerjaan lain, demikian juga dengan pekerja pabrik rokok. Nah, tertarikkah masyarakat pemilih dengan skenario model begitu? Belum tentu. Coba kita hitung-hitung lagi, berapa jumlah perokok di Indonesia? Berapa jumlah pemilih yang perokok? Kira-kira suka nggak apabila pemilih perokok itu nantinya akan dibatasi kegiatannya dengan peraturan ini itu…Isu ini memang dilematis.

Apapun pendapat ahli kesehatan mengenai bahaya merokok, pemilu itu tentang rakyat banyak, tentang pemilih…

4. Masalah konversi minyak tanah ke gas. – Dari segi teori ekonomi mungkin benar konversi minyak tanah ke gas, karena bisa mengurangi beban subsidi dsb. Proses konversi itupun telah berjalan, minyak tanah sedikik demi sedikit lenyap digantikan gas. Namun kalau para kandidat saling berebut klaim siapa pencetusnya..dibalik “keberhasilan” program konversi itu untuk menarik pemilih,…tunggu dulu. Karena betapapun program itu dianggap berhasil, tetap saja prosesnya tidak semulus jalan tol tapi melalui jalan yang berdarah-darah, terutama bagi masyarakat banyak, yang nota bene adalah pemilih. Mungkin masih ingat kasus kelangkaan minyak tanah, masyarakat harus antri panjang, bahkan ada yang sampai berhari-hari dengan harga yang sangat tinggi. Terus kemudian katanya suruh ganti gas, namun pada kenyataannya di lapangan gas juga langka, harga sangat tinggi. Ditambah lagi dengan masalah keamanan di mana banyak kompor gas konversi yang mleduk, bahkan ada yang sampai meninggal. Masalah-masalah seperti itu masyarakat masih ingat lho jadi hati-hati berebut klaim keberjhasilan, jangan-jangan malah nggak jadi memilihnya karena ketahuan siapa sebenarnya yang bikin susah selama ini…

Apapun pendapat ahli ekonomi, pemilu itu tentang rakyar banyak, tentang pemilih…

Mungkin ada baiknya untuk lebih memperhatikan “keinginan” rakyat banyak, pemilih itu sendiri, bukan hanya berwacana untuk kalangan tertentu / elitis yang lebih terbatas jumlahnya.

Kata kuncinya mungkin ada di benak rakyat/pemilih itu sendiri disamping tentunya substansi isu, cara penyampaian. Pencitraan? Mungkin nggak akan ada gunanya jika masyarakat pemilih ternyata lebih tahu / merasa tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi…

Jangan lupa jumlah pemilih terbanyak adalah rakyat kebanyakan, bukan para ahli ekonomi, analis politik, team kampanye, tentara dsb.

Bagaimanapun pemilu itu tentang rakyat banyak, tentang pemilih….